Vine Expectations

Grand Marnier Master Blender Patrick Leger On Protecting Quality In A Bottle
Master blender Patrick Leger was born and bred in the Cognac region in southwestern France. His family has always been involved in the cognac industry in a variety of ways for generations. Patrick joined the Campari group in 2020 as master blender and director of operation of two brands: Grand Marnier and Bisquit & Dubouché Cognac.
Green Bubbles
Today’s champagne houses are moving away from traditional methods of grape cultivation and even discontinuing elaborate packaging and gift boxes that used to flood the market. These three maisons are at the forefront of sustainable practices – from increasing biodiversity to eliminating packaging, and reducing bottle weight, they are finding ways to reduce carbon footprint in their own ways.
Elevate Your Wine Game With The Perfect Decanter
In the world of wine appreciation, the use of a decanter is often underestimated. Many wine enthusiasts overlook the benefits that decanting can bring to their drinking experience. In this article, we delve into the reasons why and how to use a wine decanter, exploring its role in enhancing the aromas, flavours, and overall enjoyment of your favourite wines.
China's Rise As A Wine Powerhouse
Fine Indian varieties, innovative offshore floating wine production, and bees trained to detect flawed corks are just a few of the exciting predictions shaping the future of wine-making amidst the changing landscape of climate change. As we look ahead, the wine industry is set to undergo a significant transformation with new players emerging and traditional wine-growing regions adapting to meet evolving demands.
Blending Technology With Tradition
The Future Of Winemaking At Penfolds
Penfolds senior winemaker, Steph Dutton, shares her views on technology, sustainability, future proofing in winemaking, and transferring knowledge to the next generation of winemakers. Steph joined Penfolds in 2007 whilst completing her Masters of Oenology, and took on the role of senior winemaker in 2017. Today her winemaking responsibilities span between South Australia and California where Penfolds operates their vineyards. She has also worked with her winemaking team in Bordeaux and China (early trial work). Find out how this multi-regional brand is actively future proofing the wine industry for the next generation:
Unveiling The Most Expensive Wine Collections Ever Auctioned
Wine enthusiasts, known as oenophiles, meticulously curate their collections, often showcasing exquisite burgundies, whites, and rosés. Within these collections, certain bottles have garnered significant attention for the staggering prices they fetched at auctions. Building such a remarkable assemblage demands unwavering dedication and a profound passion for wine, as these exceptional collections hold a captivating legacy that transcends their monetary value, reaching millions of dollars.
How 3 Top Champagne Houses Are Championing Sustainability
These three maison are at the forefront of green practices – from increasing biodiversity to eliminating packaging, and reducing bottle weight, they are finding ways to reduce carbon footprint in their own ways. Find out how these champagne houses are doggedly championing sustainability today for the benefit of future generations.
Weathering The Test Of Time
The renowned Cabernet Sauvignons of Margaret River have weathered challenges and emerged with renewed vigour, carving a distinctive identity in the world of fine wines.
“Wood Spirits” From Japan Debut Four Flavours of Sake Made From Trees

The fermented rice-based alcohol drink known as sake has become Japan’s national beverage, and is considered sacred to Japanese culture. As of this year, Japan is now producing sake from trees, as the government races to commercialise cedar-based technology hand in hand with start-up companies. 

Beneath The Tuscan Sun - Discover Ten Exceptional Wineries
Embarking on an Italian food and wine tour is a dream for many, and Tuscany is undoubtedly a jewel in this culinary crown. With its rolling vineyards, historic estates, and exceptional wines, Tuscany offers an enchanting experience for wine enthusiasts. Join us as we unveil our curated selection of the foremost Tuscan wineries, a must-visit for every oenophile.
2 Vineyards In Ninh Thuan That Await Your Discovery
Along the south-central coast of Vietnam, in Ninh Thuan, viticulture is on the rise, with local vineyards making a small name for themselves among wine connoisseurs in the country. Try the local tipple in this great grape-growing region.